Throughout American history there has been the formation of governing bodies for the protection of workers across workforces and work fields. From the formation of unions to laws concerning workers' compensation rights, there are a number of important legal restrictions for the protection of the employed at their place of work. One important example of this is the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, also known as OSHA.
The OSHA is a government agency responsible for setting standards for the maintained safety and well-being of employeer. Compliance with these standards is very important not only for maintaining a productive and efficient work space, but also for ensuring that employees will not suffer unnecessary injuries by simply performing their jobs.
Forms of OSHA Violations
There are many ways in which an employer or management team can violate the important OSHA safety standards. Some common forms of non compliance include the following:
- Not properly constructing scaffolding or structuring scaffolds to meet OSHA standards
- Not properly developing a system of fall protection on construction sites
- Not adequately communicating the presence of hazards
- Not properly training employees to meet safety requirements
- Not maintaining control of hazardous energy
- Failing to offer proper respiratory protection
- Improper wiring methods or other forms of electrical hazards
- Improperly designed electrical systems
- Poorly managed use of highly hazardous chemical substances
While some of these OSHA violations are more severe than others, any of them could potentially lead to a tragic workplace accident, including explosions. When this occurs, it is important that those involved are given the support they need and compensation for the pain and suffering they have experienced as a result of the accident.
For More Information
If you would like to learn more about worksite liability, refinery explosion law, or management negligence liability, visit the website of the refinery management negligence lawyers of Habush Habush & Rottier, S.C., today.